Personal Website - Judy Kilday Nothing is perfect, and this goes for the IEEE Resume Lab. It is a fancy tool that set up a personal website. Nice idea.
The problem is that the competition demands perfect resume and cover letter. If you open the resume and cover letter you will find it is not centered in the window. Does this make a difference, well yes, and Ralph Converse has stated so in his live webinar on September 16, 2015. The resume and cover letter have to be perfect to get noticed as a top pick by employers.
Why is the IEEE Resume Lab not included in the IEEE Virtual Career Fair for Region 6? Another waste of time for job seekers, or a great tool that will be included later. Good question and who will give us the information before we spend umpteen hours crafting a professional profile and website that isn't regarded by human resource professionals and hiring managers as a worthwhile endeavor.
It appears from the onset that the IEEE Resume Lab is a great tool for organizing your professional information. Will it land you a job or is it overkill.
Uploading Resumes and cover letters is easy using this tool. It provides the ability to create a personal website which can be sent to employers that looks semi - professional. They may simplify the number of templates, just choose a smaller sample of the best.
The job search takes time and lots of energy to complete. The IEEE Virtual Career Fair Region 6 has taken steps to simplify the job application process. Setting up individual accounts on employers websites and sifting through the jobs is time consuming. Targeting jobs that employers are willing to consider outside hires - experienced verses inside hires or even new hires (recent graduates) will save time.