Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Advertised Jobs are Just the Tip of the Iceberg

More evidence that you better learn about The HIDDEN JOB MARKET before you start applying for work.

The process of finding employment has quietly undergone an evolution. Jobseekers are discovering that many open positions are not posted to the public. In fact, the online career guidance resource Quintessential Careers reports that only 15 to 20 percent of available jobs are advertised through newspapers, online job boards or employment agencies.

“Not advertised?” ask many exasperated, out-of-work job candidates who regularly scour newspapers and websites in hopes of finding a job. If this traditional search yields just a fraction of available employment opportunities, where are the bulk of open positions hiding? Welcome to the hidden job market. | Employment resources for job seekers – Advertised Jobs are Just the Tip of the Iceberg, California, San Francisco, Sacramento, Northern California, Bay Area – jobs searches openings career changes expos fairs hiring  (California Job Journal)

1 comment:

  1. 70% of all jobs are acquired through networking.

    Only 10-15% of job seekers find jobs using the job boards.
